Friday, March 10, 2023

The Perfect Spring DIY

Spring is in the air! Now is the time to begin gardening projects that will make your home look great. An easy do-it-yourself project idea is raised beds. Raised beds, or garden planters, can be used to plant flowers or in-season fruits and veggies.

There are many benefits to planting in a raised bed rather than directly into the ground.

  • - Less weeds
  • - Soil warms up faster
  • - Discourages wild animals from eating fruits/vegetables
  • - Allows for better drainage
  • - Saves your back with less bending and crawling

When preparing to build a garden planter, you will need to think about the location, a nearby water source, the size of the bed(s), and materials so that the end-product is perfect and long-lasting. There are many different designs and plans online, so the options are endless!

Before starting on your raised beds, clearing the ground where they will be sitting is recommended. Removing the grass will prevent weeds from growing into your beds and you can even the ground out during this process.


Using a compact utility tractor like the 3025E that has a front-end loader, would make the process fast and simple! The loader has the ability to remove the grass, help even the ground if needed, and you can use it to dump your soil/mulch into the beds once they are built.

Let SunSouth help you get busy on all your outdoor DIYs today. If you are interested in more information on compact utility tractors, please contact your local SunSouth.

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