Thursday, April 6, 2023

Say Goodbye to Weeds

Struggling with weeds growing all over your lawn? JD from Dothan Nurseries has a few tips that can help get rid of the pesky weeds without killing your grass!

When treating weeds, JD says the first thing to do is identify the type you're dealing with. After identifying the weeds that are infesting your yard, you can purchase a spray that will only kill the weeds and not your grass. The staff at Dothan Nurseries can help decide which spray you’ll need if you are having difficulties deciding.

JD also mentions that the height of the grass plays a role in weeds spreading. If you are cutting your grass too short, this gives the weeds the opportunity to grow abundantly. He recommends that you set your mower deck three to four inches to allow so that you are not scalping your yard. Using a mower like the John Deere Z920M Ztrak where you can easily set the deck height, makes mowing a breeze! With the Z920M, you can set the mower’s deck height with just a turn of a dial! You’ll be on your way to a beautiful, weed-free lawn in no time.

As always, if you have any questions, our sales department would love to help! Find your nearest SunSouth location, here: Locations

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