Tuesday, April 27, 2021


Equipment in the field for preparation
It’s that time of the year again, planting season. It’s time to dust off your trusty John Deere tractor and begin preparing the ground for planting.

Planting season begins around March here in the Deep South meaning in order to guarantee a plentiful harvest in the fall there are several steps to take before you can put the seed in the ground.

Field preparation is essentially a preparation for success. Tillage increases yields, reduces the risk for loss and in turn delivers a great return for crops. The ultimate goal of tillage is creating a level, smooth seedbed free of weeds. Having prepared soil allows your planter or seeder the best opportunity to place the seed exactly where it needs to be which sets the stage for a successful crop. 

Some of the key areas to get return from your tillage are residue management, soil compaction management, seedbed preparation and weed management.

Tillage is key in managing residue. Residue should be evenly dispersed in the soil and on the soil surface. This enables the most uniform seedbed conditions and faster soil warming.

Soil compaction can take money from your bottom line, which is something no one wants. It can cause stunting, uneven crop growth and nutrient deficiency. Managing this is easy by correctly using tillage practices. The tillage directly impact compacted zones to break up the compaction.

Seedbed prep is key in having a prosperous crop. Ensuring your seedbed has adequate and uniform moisture, oxygen and temperature free of clods and air pocket ensures goo seed-to-soil contact.

Finally, weed management is another benefit of timely tillage. With a tillage pass prior to planting or seeding, the crop can grow into a weed-free field.

Preparing food plots

Once your field has been properly tilled, prepared and planted, it is time to tend and wait for your crop to produce a prosperous crop just in time for harvest season.

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